Twitter will one day, turn me into a racist I swear.

Idk what it is about this app, It gave me a whiff of what it's like hating a certain group of people (not gonna mention which group).

And the weird thing is, Twitter content isn't anything worse than what I see regularly on 9GAG and Reddit. Not even close.

What sorcery does this app have? I might need to stay tf away from this app wtf.

  • 7
    If you notice that a group of people overwhelmingly like chicken and watermelons. Is it racist to say people in certain demographics like chicken and watermelons? Or is it just the truth?

    It doesn't seem to stop people from noticing things that "white" people do or like? Like bacon, milk, and beer.
  • 3
    youre on devRant. What is twitter installed for ?
  • 1
    ye it's ok to be white racist. everyone's shitting bucket now

    they're not even the country they're from now. they're just white

    wish it wasn't "rich" though, or the slavery bullshit

    wish it was like:
    - nitpicky about living quarters being clean, doesn't like shitty bathrooms, likes clean food, intolerant of spicy food or even slightly bad food
    - likes autistic laws, regulations, rules, accounting, paperwork, and actually follows them and gets mad if you don't because it violates their religion of "civility". talk about sharia law!
    - too passive and optimistic, apathetic / lazy. does least work possible, though similarly fixates on and sometimes lies about / stretches accomplishments to get rewards. don't involve themselves helping other people, isolationist, don't care about their neighbours (there's a lot of communal cultures that this would be horrifying to)
    - disrespectful to soft power, stuff like shame, etc. will also lie to you about you violating their soft power if mad
  • 3
    Racism got much worse last couple of years. Amerika has that terrible black and white mentioning all the time. We always called colored people dark people or whatever. Now it's only about black and white because some journalist took it literally from American news provably. We have a word for white people kinda meaning transparent. But thats racist now, you have to say white. Complete shit show.

    And yes, 9gag, I went there yesterday since a half year or so and fuck, what a hate against women and racism. Not jokes anymore, really hate. They stood top long in their bubble. I don't care about racism, but the level they're on is smth new. Wtf.

    They always jokes no girls on 9gag. I think that's true now
  • 4
    I've said this a hundred times, but the issues is the "micro-blogging" format.

    You can't discuss anything serious, like politics, in 280 chars or less. It forces people to take a topic that you can't do justice in an 80 page essay and condense it to the most knee-jerk reaction possible, with no space for caveats, sources or thoughts.

    So what you get is someone trying to say something thoughtful just to find out they have to rewrite it to 280 chars, which means they will drop all the little inportant details and social ques, which will make it look like they are 20x the asshole, claiming everything as a fact, which will upset more people who are now subject to the same limitations and the cycle repeats ad-nauseam...

    In short, you either just insult someone in 5 words or you sound like an asshole in 280. There's no other option. It's stupid and should be removed from the internet
  • 1
    @Demolishun is white people food like cheesecake

    I want cheesecake

    I want everyone to know if they have cheesecake I will run over to eat the cheesecake
    please associate white people with cheesecake
    I wanna be bribed with as much cheesecake as possible

    also beer is good

    I guess white people are the only lactose fine "race" or whatever. yeah! more cheese please. in a cake

    I want if my manager wants me to stay late to work he buys me a cheesecake. I hate pizza. Italians are black I hear. do I look black to you? Italians wouldnt even eat this pizza! basic bitch cheesecake from the store is still edible though!

    or how about some home-made casserole. I want an AUTHENTIC burger. youre trying to sell me car insurance buy me and my whole family the best dead cow meat you can find. if Im impressed maybe we do a deal. bribe me. please

    bribe me with clean living, good food, strict business

    Im all for that racism. in that effect the racism helps the race cuz they get what they want
  • 1
    @jestdotty I used to like fried chicken. Now the oils make me feel ill. So I eat baked chicken. I like beer, but noticed I feel ill sometimes when I drink. Not sure why. It is not the cheap beer either. I know some of the cheap stuff has shit in it. I like cheesecake. Milk is literally white privilege. I am okay with that version of privilege.
  • 2
    I'm never offended by accurate descriptions

    I've had people slander me and when they do people contact me thinking the slander was real. they're quite genuine in their need and appreciation of someone of that label (which maybe all those people slandering don't know)

    I think the only true evil and disservice you can do is by inaccurately labeling someone. if it's accurate it's always good

    I ran into a weird book somewhere, it was a book written by a hippy activist from the 70s. it mentioned how at some point they were getting on the government's nerves so rumour was spread that the hippies were unwashed. what happened is all the unwashed people who heard of that story and heard the hippies were unwashed showed up at these hippy gatherings, and the hippies were really fucking ticked because the hippies actually weren't unwashed. the guy said it was really disaster to try to turn these people away. THOUSANDS from all over the country came

    false advertisements are malicious simply
  • 0
    yeah white people suxxxx
  • 1
    but yea wtf you're doing on there. They literally make money out of your hate and outrage
  • 1
    unlike me, who does it all for the lulz. My intentions are pure
  • 0
    @joewilliams007 I don't know what I do anymore man. For "influencer" stuff I suppose?
  • 1
    First of all, why does everyone assume it's white against black racism I was exposed to. When you hear racism and you automatically think white on black racism, maybe you're the racist here.
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy ah youre against gujju
  • 1
    What don't you understand? It's baiting, out of context info that veers you towards a heavier and heavier hit of whatever got you interested. Perfect vehicle for outrage and conspiracy. Down the rabbit hole...
  • 2
    @retoor > "Racism got much worse last couple of years."

    I disagree.

    My dad grew up in a time where they chased blacks down in cars and routinely beat them up for no reason. My mother-in-law (in her 80s) still call them the n-word (and she says she's not racist). She'll say "I don't want to go to that part of St. Louis, its full of n.... and I'm not racist"

    Because snowflakes are offended by words they read in a chat room isn't racism.

    Morgan Freedman eloquently told a reporter if you want to stop racism, stop making everything about race.
  • 3
    In South Africa racism is a way of life. You never see anything in the media about blacks being super racist towards whites here, which happens quite frequently (happened to me a lot, but it doesn't bother me). Most blacks are actually more racist than most whites are. There are laws that force economic benefits on blacks to the detriment of whites, which just makes racism much worse. It's really funny actually.
  • 1
    @PaperTrail I said last couple of years, so compared to a few years ago. Not 50 years ago
  • 1
    @retoor > "I said last couple of years"

    I don't think racism is any worse, I think the liberals/socialists/far-left has fired up their base as victims (again) and using race (again) to make themselves legitimate.

    Before my far-right friends jump in and scream "YES!!", the same thing happens when I hear "Christians are under attack!" or "They want to cancel Christmas!!!"

    When our local high school allows a LGTPZ-whatever parade down the halls during school and bans a student led prayer group in the lunch room *before* school, then I'll say we're under att...oh crap.
  • 2
    @PaperTrail as a far leftist I love the war on christmas. Every year I go outside and burn christmas tree for fun hihi
  • 0
    @mostr4am I am just going to assume "white people" now only refers to Belgians. ;-) I am Irish, not white.
  • 0
    @Demolishun do you speak gaelic?
  • 0
  • 0
    @Demolishun time to learn then. Do I need to remind you what the brits have done to your people?

    Come out yee black n tans, come out and fight me like a man

    Show your wife how you won medals down in flanders

    Tell them how the IRA made you run like hell away

    From the green and lovely lanes of killeshandras.

    Come tell us how you slew dem poor arabs two by two

    Like the zulus they had spears and bow and arrow

    How you bravely faced one with your sixteen pounder gun

    And send back those poor natives to their marrow.
  • 2
    @mostr4am out of nowhere i became caring about environment and will shame you for the burning tree. A real leftist wouldn't burn a tree. You're politically aligned to center now by having said that
  • 1
    @retoor dude I am a tree. I have rootz and feed off the sun and get hiiiigh
  • 1
    @retoor come on dont call me a centrist.

    I met my neighbors lmao he's with the right wing party. The conversation went like this:

    "so my job is to get subventions (public money) for my right-wing liberal political party. You see sometime you just hired an assistant and boom, you dont have to pay it because you're big enough to get more public money.

    Anyway I'm also doing investment on the side, may I interest you in a way to dodge taxes?"

    These people are oblivious to hypocrisy lmao they want less taxes while milking the state with fake jobs exactly the same as the corrupted socialists.

    the worst part is that the dude isnt that bad otherwise. But holly shit wtf
  • 2
    @mostr4am I just like to give you shit. I know the English are a buncha fuckers. Lizards and shit. Ol' sausage hands isn't lookin' too healthy either.
  • 3
    @retoor my gf wanted to have a car.

    Wedding's off lmao im calling the locksmith.
  • 0
    @mostr4am as a center guy you could consider second handed electric car. A center guy always find a solution where both parties are not happy with! :)
  • 1
    @retoor maybe we can sortof mix socialism and nationalism in some way that makes our workers think they are better than those people?
  • 1
    @retoor some sort of social-nationalism like what germany is currently doing
  • 0
    @SidTheITGuy I assumed it was white racism because you've said white racist things to me

    thing is I don't even seriously assume that. statistically it's unlikely. it's just within the context between us
  • 1
    @mostr4am the taxes thing isn't hypocrisy

    you're interpreting they're saying something you believe in when they're saying something else. they never believed in the thing the leftist believe in

    conservatives dislike government wasting money. if you take money out of the government yourself that's still congruent to the government having less money to waste

    in a perfect world we wouldn't be slaves to taxes. but considering we can't seem to get that cuz y'all believe in communism we gotta make do with what we have
  • 0
    @jestdotty please they literally create fake jobs just to get more public money. It's just good old embezzlement.
  • 0
    @mostr4am to scam a bad system is to actually make it better tho

    they call it pentesting

    and if the government ignores the security reports they're fucking corrupt. which is what they do. it isn't like the conservatives don't give them tons of reports. they just go ignored because they're of the wrong ideology. imagine such a world. it's fucking stupid
  • 0
    @jestdotty bullcrap. You dont want to pay taxes, fine, but dont steal money the exact same way the socialists are doing
  • 0
    @mostr4am I don't even know what to say to that. you appear to be emotional instead of understanding. you will just find pain doing that
  • 0
    @jestdotty if you dont like taxes, be consistent and don't increase public spending with fake jobs. It's not complicated
  • 0
    @mostr4am I'm not doing anything. you're literally having an argument with an imaginary concept you've made up

    I could reply in how it could make sense economically, but I don't think you have an economics background so I don't think you'd comprehend it since there's no web of understanding for me to work with, to touch and edit
  • 0
    @jestdotty oh come on just get down to earth.

    When you're a political party who based his entire platform on how the other political party where corrupted embezzling communists, you are trash if you do the exact same right after you get elected.

    Do you get hypocrisy?
  • 1
    @Hazarth I think you hit it on the head. I’d also to add to the equation anonymity (or, near anonymity such that even if you know who you’re talking to, it’s unlikely you’ll ever meet them). People are less civil when there are no social consequences. Over the chasm that is social media, we’re basically pummeling each other with attack banners and thoughts grenades. There’s little incentive for negotiation or compromise.
  • 0
    @mostr4am I didn't know your friend was the whole party

    brain damage
  • 0
    @jestdotty he literally works for them. That's his job -_- you're thick
  • 0
    @mostr4am oooh, how enterprising. he's doing research on the opposition party's policies then. and also making money off it while collecting proof so y'all can't say "hearsay!". smart guy
  • 0
    @jestdotty what? -_-

    dude no offense but I never have any fucking idea of what you're trying to say. Are you in a cult?
  • 0
    @jestdotty communication must be two-sided for it to be effective.
  • 0
    @jestdotty srsly no, he does not do all that. He have what one calls an employment contract in which he does things for money - things that I already described earlier. I assume you are familiar with the concept?
  • 0
    @mostr4am you keep changing who this guy is and I'm just rolling with it
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