
My goals for 2018? Make less GitHub contributions.

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    I managed to take it down to 2,800 so far...
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    @53414a414e Thanks :)

    Lately I’ve been making better commits, but my commits in early 2017 were trash.
  • 4
    Wow that's so green 😍
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    Wow @king that is amazing, you are so committed (pun intended) to open source. One of my goals is to start contributing to open source projects this year, do you mind to give some advice?
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    @remiL33t Thanks! I’d recommend to first check out a project that you use and would like to improve.

    Check out the open issues and browse the code to get a feel of the structure and internals. Once you’ve gotten a fix, commit with a meaningful message submit a PR with an accurate title and description of what it does.

    As a maintainer, I always love it when the contributing guidelines are followed and issues/PRs are nicely formatted.

    If you get rejected or need to make changes, work with the maintainer to help fix it—it’s also perfectly fine if it doesn’t work out—you can always try again with different projects.

    Let me know if you have any specific questions :)
  • 2
    This is insane. How is this possible? Legend!
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    Is less humblebragging on your list too? But well done mate
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    @Pavr haha I’m honestly trying to improve the quality of my commits though—most of them are incredibly simple updates.
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    @king someone has to do them. :-)
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    @Pavr they are like README updates for my own repos :P

    See for yourself 🙈
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    This image gets you ++'s all the time :)
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    @Cyanide it does haha :P
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    @king really thanks for the advice :) , I'll try to do what you've said and also, keep doing commits like that, people like you are the ones that make open source so great
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    @retnikt dang I knew something was off before posting this
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    @remiL33t Thanks, I really appreciate it :)

    Good luck with open source! 🙌
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