Is there no more jobs for software engineers in market? Because the only thing I'm seeing is layoff, right now!

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    Yeah, it's pretty brutal out there. I've been trying to change jobs for months now, and all I'm getting is ridiculous lowball bullshit at best and fake job postings at worst.

    I think it's possibly correction from overinvestment and overmanning, combined with the (hopefully short lived) AI bubble.
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    Warren Buffet is selling a lot of stocks right now. He just liquidated over 235 Billion worth of stocks to cash. My guess is he is bracing for a crash. One of the stocks he dumped was Apple. I don't think this will be helpful for job market.
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    @nosoup4u yeah... fun times...
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    @Demolishun imagine he just wanted to buy an island and now everyone thinks shit’ll hit the fan
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    Although in Germany the manufacturing companies seem to have taken a hit, I still get a few messages a week from recruiters on LI, possibly the beta-risk is the other way round here in Germany?
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    @Chewbanacas that is some funny shit right there! lol
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    @Chewbanacas I hope you're right!
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    @Chewbanacas in Europe as a general all the car companies are dying

    it's not just tech

    here is a fun chart

    that I can't upload so here's a link: https://media.discordapp.net/attach...&

    posts like this in finance have been going more and more last few weeks. there was some murmurs last year here and there but now it's like fear porn

    something something great reset 2030, you will own nothing and you'll be happy

    in finance they know to own assets, because that's how you avoid inflation and "get rich" (you actually just don't get poor while everyone else gets poor -- housing prices don't go up, they're just a reflection of how bad inflation is)
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    USA has a debt problem: https://usdebtclock.org/index.html

    EU has a regulate everything and high energy prices so companies can't survive problem (basically retarded policies), that's what's been tanking the car companies

    unironically, USA can get out of this and two politicians have said they would go that way. one of them just said it to bribe people and didn't do the numbers but the other might actually understand that would be the only way to fix USA's debt problem. it's literally a hail mary. but it will make a lot of people very mad. but there is an exit.

    it's actually kind of a question of which world country goes to that exit first. I don't know if they've realized. They can get saved. but they can't do debt again after

    cuz otherwise

    we really will have 2030 one world government with one id and one digital currency and carbon credits you sell to the elites because you can't afford to eat because your money you saved expired last week kind of problem
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    I keep running into Google wannabe companies with fucked up interview processes as well. Changing jobs sucks.
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    @jestdotty it will happen sooner or later. The market always wins despite what politicians do to muck it up.
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