After investing 5 years in tech support, side by side i was learning devops, and as a result I transitioned to DevOps Engineer role. What suggestions or tech stack I should master to survive in the DevOps industry going forward?

  • 7
    You should become very familiar with the API of your nearest pizza place.

    Also any online pharmacy that delivers pain killers would be helpful. Automate it, because chances are you won't have time to do it manually.

    And if you find a liquor store nearby, well you know the drill. Look up the API and automate it.
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    Ansible, Terraform, pretty much all the major IaaS clouds, databases, messaging systems, API integration, shell scripting, every major OS, scripting of many kinds

    The list is huge. It just doesn't end
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    Lose the Indian accent for starters.
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    Terraform, containers, docker, kubernetes, linux, bash, git, ci tools [like github actions or gitlab ci], one of the three cloud providers -- that's for starters.

    Then: server administration and troubleshooting of ANY issue, network srack ins and outs [tcp, udp, icmp, vpn [ip-in-ip] should suffice, also proxies, LBs, routing tables, dns, etc.], at least 1 db [postgresql?] setup, admimistration and optimization, performance and security testing, sec hardening, telemetry setup and admin, middleware admin and troubleshooting, comfy with thread and heap/core dump analysis.

    Then the procedural stuff: docs, team processes, sdlc, comm channels, escalations, alerts, incident and event mgmt, service recovery procedures, etc.

    Then, infra, software and everything in between - centralized and automated configuration, insecure config scanning and patching, patching application, libraries', middleware and platform security vulnerabilities, security hardening on edge clusters, cost optimization, a
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    I mean, in a perfect world sure, but half of that would fall into the purview of system administration rather than DevOps, though unfortunately, they tend to be conflated into the same thing.

    As in, IMO, a sysadmin doesn't need to know how to deal with dependencies of programs or errors in apps, just "I need x thing installed", so you just apt-get it and then it's the DevOps problem.

    Or ideally even, just give root on their chroot to the DevOps, and have them do the work xd.
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    @CoreFusionX well, a devops IS a sysadmin. And netops. And secops. And storops. And cloudops. And dba. And dev. And automation engineer. And all the other roles + more. Only devops is allowed to be more superficial than the dedicated role.

    Idk, I'm covering all those roles I mentioned before and more. In all the devops projects I worked before. All the clients.
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