
laters Microsoft.

Well been on PopOS for my laptop for about 4 months and hell I have had OS killing problems and nothing and I mean nothing made me think let's go back to Windows.

So it's official, Windows is slowly getting it's holes bricked up as I am done.

I don't have the tools I used on Windows for making my desktop apps but all my modding tools and well PHP can be done on anything so hey I am all good.

If you like Windows then enjoy your spyware you have that right.

  • 0
    Fuck Microsoft. I’ll shamelessly take a job there tho.
  • 0
    @Rexzooly I don’t even know you, and yet I’m so proud 🥲
  • 0
    How's PopOS compare to regular desktop distros like Debian/Ubuntu and the like?

    System76 is something that interests me a lot.

    I am tempted, very tempted. Especially the new DE they are cooking up to replace GNOME desktop.
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