laters Microsoft.

Well been on PopOS for my laptop for about 4 months and hell I have had OS killing problems and nothing and I mean nothing made me think let's go back to Windows.

So it's official, Windows is slowly getting it's holes bricked up as I am done.

I don't have the tools I used on Windows for making my desktop apps but all my modding tools and well PHP can be done on anything so hey I am all good.

If you like Windows then enjoy your spyware you have that right.

  • 1
    I only use it in a personal capacity for gaming. And at work I am forced to stick with Windows 11.
  • 0
    it's like every few months some guys decide they will change the world and rebrand some linux distro claiming it will solve all of your problems including world hunger but when you manage to install the thing your fps drops to 23 because you haven't spent 47685746549 hours trying to install/build some random gpu driver &co. aaaand there's a growing trend of all this crap looking more and more like MacOS and less like windoze, the more it looks like apple's crap the more chances for VC $ it gets. yawn.
  • 0
    Fuck Microsoft. I’ll shamelessly take a job there tho.
  • 0
    @Rexzooly I don’t even know you, and yet I’m so proud 🥲
  • 0
    Never Microsoft. The only MS devices are my parent's. I have a laptop with Arch and my Desktop with Gentoo.
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