
This guy at my last internship. A windows fanboy to the fucking max!

He was saying how he'd never use anything related to Linus Torvalds because he hated him for creating Linux.

Two seconds later I saw him initializing a new git repo.

I was standing there like:

*should I tell him?*


  • 88
    he will eventually find out. Just make sure to be there for him as I doubt he'll handle the shock
  • 70
    Wait for the best time when it will hurt as much as possible ;-) ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‹
  • 56
    I may be a windows user but let him burn!!!!!
  • 12
    Do tell him!
  • 28
    yes, tell him! and let him use SVN instead
  • 27
    @ThatDude He's all about making money and M๐Ÿ’ฐ has a good business model according to him and he doesn't want to 'feed' the 'poor open' community because he thinks paid software is always way better and so on!
  • 7
    yea i fucking hate ๐Ÿ…ฑinus ๐Ÿ…ฑorvalds too
  • 24
    @linuxxx To be honest I never found a good open source project for Office (libreoffice is just not as good as MS Office, not even Apple's office is good though)
    I've searched a lot for Project management software to be open source and good, but never found one, found iTaskX3 and Microsoft Project to be best for my needs.
    VMware vs Virtual Box, vbox has slow performance on my end.

    Now speaking of dev/IT tools I only look for open source ones, never found a better alternative for my needs.
  • 6
    @ThatDude true design is not everything but features of MS office are worth the price, I know license is too much for Office and MS Project (1000$+)!!
    but for a company these features do make a difference.
    I tried out the trial version of MS Office and checked out Project Libre, there is a HUGE difference between them
  • 12
    This ๐Ÿ˜ž and the fact Linux outside of dev work is limited for what is available or atleast it seems that way from my experience.

    I can’t seem to find a distro that can actually compete with windows for VM, Gaming, Media, Networking, and normal office work.

    Unfortunately Microsoft has that support and ecosystem and I would rather VM a linux distro then burn a hole in my laptop VM’ng windows.

    So until that day comes, I’ll enjoy the FOSS world where I can and stick to windows for my daily needs.
  • 22
    Tell him. And then tell him Microsoft uses Git.
  • 5
    @C0D4 Same here, I run Ubuntu in a VM and use it for all my dev stuff, I only have MS windows for the rest of my needs
  • 26
    Before telling him, try to convince him that svn is better that git and record what he says.

    Then drop the bomb
  • 2
    @ThatDude Dev stuff are, but others I didn't see yet, appreciate if someone knows I'd be happy to move away from Windows starting to hate it these days :/
  • 2
    I know it's not open source, but I found google docs really nice.
  • 5
    Linux fanboy meets Windows fanboy. Life can be funny sometimes. : - )
  • 0
    @sSam it sure is better than Apple Pages, but MS Word is more flexible (of course not the web version, didn't really like it)

    In the end to each his own decisions just so that no one calls me MS fanboy lol
  • 2
    Yes because it's time to remember what is really important for work and not for a single person.

    And i point at you "fan of this f****** d***"!.
  • 3
    Did he have an android phone or iOS?
  • 4
    @sebh0602 I'd assume he probably has the last Windows phone seeing how he's a fanboy.
  • 2
    Try org mode off emacs/spacemacs(vim)
    You can type it all like .md
    You can convert .org to xls doc PDF latex.
    You can hook in email calenders etc.
    * Design philosophy of puzzels
    Lorem ipsum

    * Why are you so afraid of failure
    ** Johnathan blow
    Lorem ipsum

    Convert to PDF it creates a index
    Like the image.

    Short excel example.

    Org mode has everything but better and faster. It takes sometime to learn but it's worth it.
  • 1
    Very yes.

    Show him what a hypocrite he is.
  • 1
    @linuxxx How does he pay for git? And does he have Android?
  • 5
    @SpectralKH Paying for git, how? what do you mean? And yeah he runs android xD
  • 1
    @linuxxx In response to the "Paid software is always better"
  • 2
    People who have unswerving dedication to one thing and won't listen to arguments towards that thing drive me nuts
  • 2
    Not so long ago, Microsoft joined the Linux Foundation.
  • 1
    @C0D4 I get it that there can be features available for Windows only that some users need. Gaming is without discussion. But you say windows has better networking features? In which way?
  • 1

    For most things I don’t have an issue, but for an old NAS server I have that barely works with FTP let alone direct network shares but has yet to fail me. I’ve gone through a couple of HDDs but the server still goes.

    I haven’t been able to mount the drives under Ubuntu or Centos but it connects fine under windows. ๐Ÿ˜ซ
  • 0
    Seeing the history of both d3d & ogl, that is a little simple.
  • 1
    Yes, yes you should
  • 0
    Because he can't play games? @ThatDude
  • 0
    Wait until he needs the commit history xD
  • 0
    Subscribing for details!
  • 0
    Do it !!!
  • 0
    Yes, destroy his life.
  • 0
    I might actually know this guy.
  • 1
    @Jesuszilla Where ya from?
  • 0
  • 1
    @Jesuszilla Dutchie here so I don't think we're talking about the same guy :P
  • 1
    @Jesuszilla What's TX by the way? ๐Ÿ˜ฎ
  • 3
    Even Microsoft has bowed to Linux now. Tell him and enjoy the precious reaction.
  • 1
    @Jop- True yes.
  • 0
    @ThatDude Yes

    And Microsoft contributing to the Linux foundation, don’t forget that!
  • 1
    @Jop- So u mean Microsoft is just playing with our feelings?
  • 2
    @sain2424 Pretty much they are, yeah.
  • 0
    @Jop- oh god Direct3D. Why’d you have to remind me of that nightmare?!
  • 1
    @Jop- @linuxxx Makes me hate Windows even more. I was big fan of Microsoft back in early 2000's. Then followed a list of bad experiences.
  • 1
    Jesus, have you told the guy yet? I subscribed to you and have yet to hear anything official about this
  • 1
    @iSwimInTheC I hope I'll never see him again!
  • 1
    @ThatDude Edited ๐Ÿ˜†
  • 1
    @Triskelion thanks for letting me know org mode. It seems very powerful!
  • 0
    Tell him! And share the look on his face
  • 0
    Tell him next time he praises git
  • 0
    @namenlossss They do, and they’re usually quite arrogant.
  • 1
    @gitpush instead of libreoffice msoffice and all that show-me-my-pretty-text proc (i read a formula like that while ago i liked it but couldn't find it) and concentrate on actually what you write using a:

    ui-is-not-my-stuff -> LateX ;)
  • 1
    @SpaceBearOne Cant help but reply to a Matrix reference xD xD.. btw I took one & I am in a much better place now :)
  • 0
    To be fair though SVN is way better than git.
  • 0
    @Pizza I second that, but would like to add something.

    Ask him why he likes it sooo much, then try to convince him, record it, then drop the bomb.
  • 0
    @Makenshi they're equally fatuous. Both are engaging in religious zealotry. Here's a bit of crystal ballgazing for your amusement: Maintaining an OS in 200 languages is expensive, and Microsoft makes more from Azure anyway. They've been merrily porting PowerShell and dotnet to Linux and both work pretty well. I predict that by 2030 Windows will be a curated distro with dotnet and a Microsoft shell in the same way OSX is a shell on BSD, rendering this sort of argument utterly meaningless.
  • 0
    When I was younger and naive I used to dislike Linux too (altough I admitted its crucial role on servers), probably the facts which my first distro was Bloatbuntu and I didn't knew the power of the UNIX command line helped. Now my favorite OS family is BSD closely followed by Linux.
  • 0
    @gitpush MS Office is clearly superior but I believe which for most users Libreoffice is more than enough.
  • 0
    Two seconds? Really?
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