
It's not enough to be clean, perfomant and maintainable, it needs to be beautiful. if it looks bad it's probably bad.

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    unless it's rust, but that's on rustc
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    Yes but there are many devs without a sense of beauty out there who find their own crappy code to be beautiful!
    Or worse, finding my beautiful code not beautiful!
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    Clean code is already beautiful. Any other beauty added or expected is like adding lipstick that will wane off sooner
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    Beauty is subjective but in general I agree. I consider my code "beautiful" when it's both clean code, and the least amount of code with average or better performance.

    Sometimes you just write code that just *falls in place* in a really good and simple to follow way and that's to me a good hint of it being a good code.

    But then, I'm not convinced it's possible to write "beautiful" code for every use case. Sometimes when Performance or Memory is key, you'll need to make concessions to the readability and maintainability to get the most out of it... Other times you might want to prefer readability even at the expense of performance or "beauty" because you know the code might go through a lot of hands and it's more important that someone is able to maintain it in the long run! So even in coding, using a good common sense is often going to be better than just trying to optimize for "beauty", especially since your "beauty" might not be my "beauty"
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    Are you talking about code, machinery, or romantic partners?
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    Tsoding: you have two kinds of people, people with nice code and people who get shit done. There's some truth in that
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    @retoor disagree. Those are not mutually exclusive and it only incentivizes to write shit code in order to "get things done" fast.
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    @Lensflare mwah, did work at a place that refactored their product (edit: 3 times) in sake of code quality before releasing it.. I prefer to do it as good as you can and just move on
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    @retoor hmm, I don’t see refactoring as a tool to make code more beautiful or less ugly.
    I see it as tool to change the code to fit a new or changed requirement better.
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    @Lensflare Refactoring is THE tool to make code cleaner, less twisted, fluent, and more maintainable. Not sure about the beauty/ugly aspect
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