been taking tryptophan for a few months which basically makes you happy cuz it gets turned into serotonin

at first it was like a mild psychedelic a bit and you were really happy (and less extreme than 5htp...)

then I stopped feeling it so I wanted to get off it. plus I had some weird strangely pissy days which might point to tolerance issues

serotonin withdrawal would've probably been 3 days, or 1-2 weeks, of being irritated and miserable

instead I braved trying a new drug I bought a long time ago but didn't bother trying for reasons. I'm taking extremely small doses cuz it could be massively dangerous. been weird lately. brain kind of good but out of it in a different way. well turns out today I was reading up on it (I always take drugs then read up on what they do after... life skills!) and it increases serotonin receptor sensitivity lol

why go through serotonin withdrawal due to tolerance when you can just take drugs to decrease tolerance?! bet you this means you'll have a MEGA withdrawal, not just from your receptors becoming insensitive, but also the receptors for making your receptors more sensitive becoming insensitive!

anyway music sounds amazing and I really should stop wondering about random shit for no reason at all. as is typical in psychedelics one can have amazing thoughts and can't iron out all the details so communication goes to garbage. fun fun fun fun

it's also apparently a pretty amazing nootropic. unexpected. and cures cancer. like a bunch of other shit but this crap apparently reversed literal fucking radiation exposure and super aggressive brain cancers? bruh. was taking it for the chance I had polio lol. jury's still out on that. left side still numb, though I'm getting a bunch of minor sensations back all over the place but it could just be the nootropic aspect. apparently it does brain growth factor like other stuff I've taken but this feels stronger

the reason I didn't take it is cuz it comes with scary warning labels for autoimmune conditions and the most likely theory is that my immune system is attacking my nerves. but this might be misinformation again because it's also given to conditions that are autoimmune and might lessen their symptoms or fix them... grrrr I hate modern "science". money > lives and fuck you. and don't let that sentence fool you into thinking if you have money they'll help you, they can't help anyone, they're just there to misinform and trap you so they can milk you. pay to play MMO but the developers can't even give you good gear they're too incompetent to code the numbers in, they're just designers changing the icons around

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    soooo you're dumb enough to take drugs _before_ reading what they do, without any pharmacological base knowledge, while mixing&matching them, but modern "science" is to blame.


    totally makes sense.
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