
I just rebooted my server by accident because I wanted to play Space Engineers.

Long story short, dual booting. Needed to boot into windows. Typed reboot into my terminal. My terminal was not local. When am I finally getting around to set up my terminal color as red when it is connected to another host?

But two things are good here. This was my own server.. Well, bunch of stuff is running on it, including for my bachelor's thesis. But if that was a server of my company, that would have been worse.

Second thing, my systems are fault tolerant. I reboot once per week at the latest and for systems with fail overs once per day. I know they are coming back up. I don't worry. My Gitlab will be back in 5 minutes at the latest. I am going to reboot and play Space Engineers now.

Reboot your servers guys. Only way to make sure they'll survive reboots!

  • 1
    why do you need to switch to Windows in the first place?
    I remember playing SE a while ago on my Linux system without any problems.
  • 4

    Always the same discussion. Linux is for work. Linux changes my mindset.

    It is a completely different thing to close everything down and having to reboot.

    In short, if I have games on Linux, I am easily distracted. If I have games on Windows, I do not even want to play games in work mode until my work is done.

    Separation of concerns I guess.
  • 0
    @TrayKnots what is SteamOS then?

    Separation off concerns is the only fair artument i see there.
  • 0

    Never ran steam os. Putting energy in my gaming os is not high on the my priority list. And a known solution is usually less effort.
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