
Our team is developing a online e-commerce application. Since the owner uses Last Pass and doesn't like the extension icon in input fields, he asks the developer team to install the extension and ensure Last Pass was disabled for all input fields, password and usernames included, across the site. It was unacceptable to ask him to disable it though the extension menu.

  • 8
    so you had to write extra code just to disable a specific password manager? ewww :-/
  • 6
    Well.. As long as the customer pays for it... :p
  • 4
    Or you know, click "Ignore for this site/Domain". pretty sure that pops up when it asks you to save the password lol. hey, billable hours though!
  • 3
    What about all those LastPass users that actually want the feature on his site? Has he no consideration for them?
  • 3
    they will leave the site because it anoys them, so his customer will be paying twice. Once for the programmers to implement that feature and second for the lost potential customers with last pass.
  • 1
    @heyheni and third to remove the "feature" :) jk
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