Next I start a new job as Android developer, wish me luck 🤧😌

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    vaguely relevant (okay, they say android a bunch):

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    good luck
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    good luck! What stack will u focus on?
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    Good luck!
    Make sure to use Kotlin and Compose. Reject Java aggressively!
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    Oh no. My condolences.
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    And get ready to deal with memory hogging virtual devices and the wait times to launch and relaunch
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    Do still exist android dev roles nowadays?! 😳
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    @Lensflare I read a lot of complains on reddit about android and iOS roles
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    @Biggy imo those are the most sane roles.
    Web frontend is the most insane.

    I think most of the complaints about ios and android come from signing/destribution, xcode and apple haters and gradle.
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    @Lensflare I read often that android and ios devs are migrating to backend or fullstack dev roles. They saying that android and ios dev roles are fading.
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    @Biggy cool guys ditched reddit, we're on lemmy now
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    @Biggy just a temporary fad. People will eventually realize that fullstack doesn’t make sense.
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    @Lensflare my boss just said that "we could hire a guy in india to do scala, frontend, ML and sales, these guys can do anything"
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    @mostr4am they'll certainly say they can do everything

    when I entered the industry they were known for saying "yes" in their culture even though they couldn't do things. apparently in their culture you were always supposed to say yes and to say no would be an insult to your boss. this caused headaches to all the companies that thought they would outsource to India for cheap labour. I would hear so many stories of old geezers who left their companies when they outsourced and then said companies would go under lol

    I don't know what's going on now. probably had something to do with an Indian boss disliking me though cuz I would ask her questions. iirc that's also insulting, because then you're supposedly questioning their expertise when I literally just needed the company info so I could do her tasks, like for example deployment info -.-

    there's also rumor and good reason to believe that Indians just hire Indians and take over companies that way
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    @mostr4am I can also do anything. Doesn’t mean that I should.
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    @Lensflare can you do foot massages?
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    @mostr4am yes. Again, I probably shouldn’t.
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    @Lensflare come on darling it's just a massage your gf will never know
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    @mostr4am let me put it this way: I shouldn’t, not because it would be bad for me, but because it would be bad for you.
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    @Lensflare but I like it rough
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