
Python is my wife, Elixir is my sexy girlfriend. While I love my life, the gf presents me what my wife cant. ReactJs/Rxjs is a lovely classic porn. The question is: what the fuck devRant is here???

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    The gf you cheated on
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    The alcoholic drinking buddy that doesn't remember shit the next day
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    @kong exactly
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    @theScientist I use Erlang/Elixir for developing a Bitcoin market place. Python simply can't get the job done (at least with my 15 years of py experience).
    It's so easy in Erlang to create millions of processes and supervise their life cycle. Socket programming is also very easy in elixir.
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    @theScientist My experience is most Employers prefer easy and popular languages like C# or Java and I the reason. But Elixir is gaining and Erlang has a big future. My best advice is learn Erlang in your free time. Also there is a site named ElixirJobs FYI.
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