
If you don’t know Linux, you’re stupid.
If you don’t know macOS, macOS is stupid.

  • 7
    Linux: tech elitists

    MacOS: cunt elitists

    Windows: Gamer Masterrace elitists
  • 4
    windows is the fucking worst. I don't even really get the reluctance/resistance to using Linux, whether you're a "techie" or not. It's better, even if all you want to do is waste your time gaming. I used to give windows a pass before my current job, but just seeing how fucking stupid windows fanboys are has convinced me that neither microshit nor its users are worthy of the benefit of the doubt.
  • 3
    It feels like macOS goes out of its way to be a pain (under the guise of user-friendliness), and it’s a bastard about it. Everything must adhere to the Apple UX, even if that makes things objectively worse. And Apple won’t let you escape that or change much of anything. Walled garden full of plants you’re not terribly fond of.

    Linux doesn’t have the greatest UX, but it’ll do whatever you want, and allows you to change literally everything about it.

    Windows falls somewhere between the two.
  • 2
    Mac: Walled garden (mostly thistle)
    Linux: Public construction site
    Windows: Cubicle
  • 2
    @Root it's correct, but for all those years no one in the whole Linux community created something even close to being as beautiful as macOS. Elementaryos came closer than others but still nowhere near

    It's a shame really. Imagine how many people we can convert by just making things beautiful
  • 1
    @Root Mac is so close to being the government in the Hunger Games.
  • 1
    @kiki I find MacOS kinda ugly, honestly.

    Not overtly ugly, but more of an overly-generic design with (attempts at) pretty accents, but that still fails to be pretty in almost every way.

    The only thing I actually like is the font rendering. Everything else feels like highly-polished meh with accents.
  • 0
    @nosoup4u yeah, but everything is web now. Things change. Back in dem day you had software on cd's only for windows like the app where you did tax with. An internet desktop application.
  • 1
    @mostr4am she uses dwm, way cooler if you're into that stuff. It's a 2000 line C code wm and the idea is they you extend it yourself with C. No lame lua stuff..

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