
Turns out the app was crashing because YouTube was hogging 8GB of memory and so queries started failing spontaneously.

  • 0
    "i'll just use javascript for this new app"

    and the pile of shit known as "apps" and the internet, grows.

    YT is a garbage pile.

    And it's on fire like everything else.

    And if the fire spreads any further it'll be responsible for more deaths (from brainrot) than the number of koalas and roos that died in the great australian-outback-wildlife-bbq of 2019.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack You can write shit apps for native targets too. If not for the web, it would be Java. And native isn't better, it's _harder_ so apps that don't justify the effort on a given platform - like all apps on Linux - don't get made.
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