Currently working a contract for a startup that never finishes the final content editing and organization task so that we can build the last page. They were in such a hurry to start and we 100% delivered everything they asked for on time and at budget. Now that we are centimeters from the finish line, they keep pushing the date back due to the CEO never having time to provide feedback. It’s been months and we cannot get to the final work to earn the final payment.

Not the worst one (which I already shared another week a while back) but definitely not fun.

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    Shut their site/app or whatever?
    Sounds like they dont have money..
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    @carlosjpc well, we haven’t launched yet and they’ve fully paid all the milestones. It’s just in a holding pattern on Dev until they get that last bit sent to us and we do the work. We’ve pretty much just walked away giving them the understanding that the ball is in their court for whenever they’re done.
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    @stackodev oh! Well.. hope it solves out quickly
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    In case of interest, Week 76 was my biggest freelance fail. $10,600 contract and zero net profit. I may have actually had a net loss, but at a certain point, out of despair, I stopped keeping track. See https://devrant.com/rants/959941/...
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