
Met a guy in the gym, he asked me to make him an online shop for supplements.
I quickly made a reactive, angular based shop with an admin page.
He paid, I put my name as the creator, it was all good...

...then he removed all legal products and added tons of anabolic steroids for horses in little jars (yes, he even added pro level photos).

I received a call from the police and had to prove that I don't manage his content.

  • 6
    Which country is this?
  • 7
    Well.....shit. also curious as to what country this happened
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    @SSDD because I am 12 and would fake a story in order to earn a couple of points :)
    @AleCx04, @Aeon a couple of my coworkers are here on devRant, so I'd prefer to disclose as much info as possible.
  • 4
    @Noob As much info as possible? :P
  • 9
    @th31 It's a country were abusing steroids is very popular in the bodybuilding world.
    Also the guy was apparently the local champion for 2012 and 2013.
    He also drives a 50cc scooter while weighing 110kg and wearing feet gloves (kind of sport socks for squats).
    His wife does nails and posts about it on Facebook.

    Enough? :D
  • 2
    @Noob Haha, I think one of us is misunderstanding here. I was quoting you, did you mean to say 'as much info as possible' or in fact, the opposite? :P
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    @th31 yeap, it's me. I both didn't understand you well enough and said "disclose" when I meant the opposite. 😂
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    @vlatkozelka Why would you be jailed for it?

    I simply came to the station, gave my testimony, after about an hour or two was free to go home and was said to wait for the cyber crime department to call (and not to leave the country).
    Then met with them a couple of days later, showed them the source files and that it's just an engine that has no hardcoded content. Showed them the dates on the files, connection logs to the server (I still had the admin credentials for the web server) and then, finally, showed them how to log into the admin page and the time-stamps on the shop entries. The shop entries also have the username that added them, which was the admins. Unfortunately I didn't make the site log IPs, but it was enough for them to stop questioning me and ask the "owner". Who in his case admitted to doing everything :)
    Fun fact that he was only fined.. Guess that no illegal transactions were done through the site.
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    @Alice no, but this is custom made so he probably knows the owner of the shop.
  • 1
    @vlatkozelka that I can't argue with.
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    You Noob
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    @lunorian good practice indeed.
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