
So there’s this Harry Potter book made with AI: “Harry Potter and the Portrait of What Looked Like a Large Pile of Ash”... I need to get it

  • 12
    "'Not so handsome now,' thought Harry as he dipped Hermione in hot sauce. The Death Eaters were dead now, and Harry was hungrier than he had ever been."
  • 2
    @athlon oh my God, I'm dying.
  • 0
    Read this on FB. Still Hilarious!
  • 1
    Holy shit:))) i want this... I neeed this:)))
  • 3
    “Voldemort, you’re very mean and bad wizard” Harry savagely said. Hermione nodded encouragingly. The tall Death Eater was wearing a shirt that said ‘Hermione Has Forgotten How To Dance’, so Hermione dipped his face in mud.

    Ron threw a wand at Voldemort and everyone applauded. Ron smiled. Ron reached for his wand slowly.”
  • 4
    “‘I’m Harry Potter,’ Harry began yelling. ‘The dark arts better be worried, oh boy!’”
  • 0
    Its not like an algorithm wrote this. People wrote this.
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