

  • 2
    nothing makes sense anyway

    as soon as something becomes the metric it becomes the goal: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
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    Ask @b2plane

    Also, Google is laying off again I heard (or still is).
  • 2
    @Demolishun I'm not working for google but I'm working for a multi trillion dollar bank and last tuesday they gave me end-of-year feedback and said theyre happy w me and have no plans to replace me
  • 1
    @b2plane good job bro!
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    Some fields like medicine are an exception and I think they should stay that way.

    In other words, "If doctors were as poor at medicine as I am at programming, I'd be afraid going to the doctor".
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    @kamen I think some doctors are in fact bad at doctoring.
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    @Demolishun No denying in that. I'm talking however about the barrier of entry. There's also the responsibility side of things - if you're a doctor and you make a mistake, you might kill someone and face jail time; if you're a software developer and make a mistake, you most often cost your employer some amount of money and that's it.
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    @kamen we build stuff that can kill people at my company. Maybe not directly by software, but more indirectly. Bad information can lead to bad decisions.
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    idk how it is in different countries, but right now I'm seeing a really huge investment in specialists, and they want people with a diploma
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    If you don’t have professional experience, companies won’t hire you, making the degree worthless because from the day you have experience, your degrees are ignored. It’s up to you to see how you can learn the best.
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    If the thinking that a degree will automatically and undoubtedly push you into a job, that is a mistake.
    A major or minor uni degree is, like, step 4 out of 8 in the ci/cd of a good job. You can't skip it, but this stage succeeding doesn't implies that the further stages will succeed.
    However, failing to obtan an uni degree does means that further stages are toast.
  • 0
    You don't need a degree only if you follow YouTube logic
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