
Impostor vs Kenner syndrome

We got a new kid which does his internship from school. We talked and he asked me what stuff I had done with 14 - 16. I remembered with 14 I was really into reverse engineering, assembler and c/c++ but never managed to actually build something.

So he started to say stuff like he could replace me in an instant and he should get paid for this internship at least as much as I did, because he made some websites and games already.

I really was down. Kids today get a lot of shit done and I was a disappointing lazy little shit just playing games and try to reverse engineer stuff and learn assembler and c++.

It's been month and shit hit me when I've seen his stuff was copy pasted from a tutorial/ YouTube video.

Today's ressources, languages, frameworks make it really easy to build something but I still got respect for everyone every age who is interested and get into programming and stuff.

But I hope you'll read this you little shit and realise that you can use a simple physics engine by copy and pasting code. So don't talk disrespectful to people in general especially when they can create a whole game and physics engine.

  • 14
    Both useless and insulting. ๐Ÿ˜ก
    Get his internship revoked.
  • 4
    @IllSlapU Heck yeah.
  • 12
    There is a big difference between getting things done and getting things done right.

    Just because someone can build an application doesn't necessarily mean that could be shipped to a paying customer.

    And in addition there is always the foolishness of someone who has done something, and thinks he knows it all, even though he just scratched the surface.

    So just ignore it, he will realize what a moron he was when he gets more experienced.
  • 9
    Thanks for the insight.
    Never thought of it that way.
    I develop way faster and better than the senior developers. Though I use the internet and search for tutorials as soon as I start struggling. While they have all the knowledge and problem solving skills embedded in them.
  • 3
    Smash his ignorant arrogant fuckface. ๐Ÿคจ Such arrogant pissed me off.
  • 4
    @Jackeast It's realisations like that that will give you the greatest benefit to your ability and skills.

    Not everyone is equal and there's such a wish-wash of different scales that it matters to the employer to get a range of people. Some of the senior engineers might be incredible at algorithms or sysadmin but you won't necessarily always see that all the time.

    You're a fast programmer, use that, be efficient and get stuff done! I'm good at algorithms and concurrency, so I take on tickets related to those. We're different, just like every other programmer ๐Ÿ˜›
  • 2
    What a dick
  • 4
    ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚I feel you man, I'm in the same boat. It sucks when you got nothing to show because you like doing everything from the ground up and learning.
  • 7
    If he's still in school and compares your work at 14-16 to his, he's probably still pretty young.

    Most likely his classmates and peer groups have not so much interest in technical things. When you're good at something at that age, it's easy to be the best of them all. I was the by far best in visual arts back in school. And no, I'm not really good at that. There was just no one to compare to.

    And I've also seen this with talented young devs. The attitude is shitty, but give him hard work and it will fade soon.
  • 0
    He's gone already ๐Ÿ˜ญ can't tell him anymore. Realized to late because I always think people are sick and I'm stupid
  • 2
    Being someone who's just getting into coding in highschool, this is the kind of kid I'm trying my absolute best not to be. Seriously how can someone be such a prick for no reason.
  • 3
    Teach him manners, get him fired. No hold backs to such shitfaces, most fuckers are easy talk but cannot get things done properly. These YT copy paste monkeys are destroying the art of development.
  • 3
    He is a copy paste programmer :) - that's not programming. You are only a programmer when you write code.

    Don't get him fired, don't humiliate him like people here say. Just explain him the difference. He is just trying to learn so let him. He doesn't know what he is talking about but that's ok. It might even turn out that programming isn't for him but he deserves a chance like everybody else.
  • 1
    @Bootleg because he has no idea how little he actually knows

    Simple as that, really
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