Fuck CSS
Fuck it in the ass
With a baseball bat
Lubbed with hot souce.
Want to change from this : http://rjpf.ddns.net/ to http://rjpf.ddns.net/index5.html

First uses w3 framework
Second is using css grid with no framework.

Did everything right as I saw on tutorials (no copy paste)

Only uses 25% of the screen

Now I understand why everyone tells me to use bostrap... But noooo I must learn css
Ps: not gonna learn frameworks without knowing pure css

  • 3
    Yeah, CSS is painful if you don't have all the tricks up your sleeve.
    That's why I suck at CSS.
  • 2
    Haha thanks for the laugh 😂😂
  • 1
    Well... I don't even have time to learn properly...
    I could use the first I made... but using frameworks sucks if you don't know how to do it with just CSS...
    and If it's possible with a framework, it's defenitly possible with pure CSS
  • 4
    CSS grid has some problems with some browsers.

    See caniuse.com
  • 2
    BEM saves lives.
  • 3
    Css is so much fun! Don't be mad. Think in modules and you will be fine.
  • 1
    If your learning, do vanilla for desktop only. Then when you understand what all the properties are for and how to use them with each other, then start breaking it down for smaller screens.

    Frameworks like bootstrap take away a lot of the knowledge on how things work and just makes them work, although they are awesome in not having to deal with cross browser issues as most are already dealt with.
  • 1
    Due to vue compatibly I had to have one div with two children, where the children would occupy different named grid-areas. Discovered I could use `display: contents`

    You guessed it. Works in FF, breaks in chrome. That's new
  • 0
    By the way, codepen saves lives.
    Share it and we might be able to help :)
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