
how the FUCK Is 1 bitcoin worth $85,000 ????

whst rhe FUCK js trump doing!!!! i need time to invest i dont have a lot of cash rn!!!

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    See statistics on top here:https://forex.com/ie/.... Will not be different with bitcoin. You want to put last money on 24% chance of winning? You could maybe better put your money on red at roulette and spare yourself checking bitcoin every hour and still losing. I'm not temped to both of them. I had an account to play poker on a site, decided that poker still is more luck than strategy, put all the money I had in account on red at roulette, made profit and I directly cashed out. So, gambling never costed me money. I hate gambling, too pessimistic for that. For poker I was very well prepared and a good player, but didn't like it in the end
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    Is it the dollar crashing?
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    @Demolishun no

    trump had a Bitcoin advocate guy

    to be fair it's the only way USA could get out of its debt problem
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    @jestdotty lol the last one has to be a joke
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    @jestdotty they're not the first. I've heard that they pay iwith it in DUbai and there was another country who did it afaik
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    @b2plane "lol the last one has to be a joke"

    anything and everything concerning trump is a bad joke.
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    "This is so stupid, it has to be b2plane!"
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    @Lensflare to be fair, it was neither about shiting nor about whoring, so i wasn't certain.
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    @jestdotty because we don't, but you're a conspiracy theorist?
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    @tosensei do you want me to write a script that goes through all the messages on the platform and correlates it or something

    also rich calling me a conspiracy theorist if you are against trump

    speaking of trump... I just realized. I think he thinks he's going to die. probably before he gets elected. he's throwing out these orders too fast. it's like the gifts of a dying man
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    @jestdotty write your script! I‘d like to see the results! 😂

    Are you suspecting that we are the same person?

    We are from Germany and there is a law here that dictates at which time we are allowed to use social media.
    This might explain it.
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    @jestdotty "also rich calling me a conspiracy theorist if you are against trump"

    sorry, i'm not tinfoil-hatty enough to find a connection between those two.

    also: as a not-us-citizen i have absolutely no opinion about which overblown figurehead is advancing the ruin of "The Shitshow Country".
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    @Lensflare on which time? Sounds bizarre
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