
The objective c stdlib is pretty cool, it's what backs the swift stdlib on mac. The collection classes dynamically switch backend depending on size and expected performance characteristics. EG a set of 3 items is faster to linearly search a vector, so it'll switch that out.


I'm not a mac fan but that's some truly artful engineering.

(reposting comment as rant coz I think it's cool)

  • 0
    You're rewriting your regex app?
  • 1
    @retoor Hahaha nooo... But I collect programming languages 😅 I've done 10 professionally and another half dozen on the side
  • 0
    @atheist I also did many professional, java, c#, Delphi (.NET)(yeah, that exists), python js, php, sql dialects. In outsourcing you just work on any language customer is using already. If you don't know a language, the boss gives you a week to learn 😂

    I wanted to learn as much languages too but don't see the point anymore having python and C in the collection, kinda extreme opposites. The rest will be all in between
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