
Getting an existing NodeJS project up and running on Windows IS A FUCKING NIGHTMARE

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    Docker Luke
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    Never had that issue. What happened?
  • 6
    getting anything running is a nightmare now

    it can't just be my brain damage, I swear
  • 0
    Actually never had this experience. Just git pull and npm i works every time
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    @Ranchonyx @AlgoRythm

    I have an electron app, which to build for Win,or Linux/MacOS have different dependencies, which can neither be installed at the same time nor from all OS.

    So if you want to quickly try out the App you've coded on Mac on Win in a VM, you need to PR your changes into a windows branch, pull inside WIndows, and then run it. For building, you can / have to use docker/CI pipeline.

    One of the worst things NPM ever did was allow packages with binaries that have INSTALL-TIME OS-dependencies. Hell, why can't I just put all the Deps I need for ANY OS in there, and everyone just takes what they need? NO, I NEED TO INSTALL THE WIN DEP INSIDE WINDOWS for the builder to work, wtf ?!
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    Have you tried Deno?
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    @n1cK1337 Ohh, you're talking binary packages! Now the whole story makes sense...
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    @spongessuck It's on my list certainly
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