
*Applies to 60+ jobs*

All I get is more spam in my email inbox.

The job market is FUCKED right now

  • 2
    times are so strange
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    I think in netherlands it's quite ok. We're looking for people in every sector. More jobs than people
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    @retoor Must be pleasant. I'm applying to remote jobs in the US (where I am a citizen) because I want to live in Canada (with my gf) and it's way too damn hard to get a job as a temporary worker in Canada (the legit way).

    Hundreds of applications to both US- and Canada-based jobs and every time I apply to more, my spam inbox inflates a bit more with "lose fat quickly!", "check out this furniture!".

    Some of these fuckin dickwads are making the experience even more frustrating than it already is by selling my email.
  • 0
    @AlgoRythm do they just ghost you or they aren't seeking for home workers?

    Also, how skinny are you now?
  • 2
    @retoor The Canadian ones (300+ apps) ghost me, the American ones usually deny me because the market is very competitive
  • 1
    @retoor oh, and morbidly obese because I keep buying all this comfortable furniture
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    @AlgoRythm I often worry about how times I hear people having bad luck finding IT jobs. Sooner or later it will come to the Netherlands too. Everyone chooses IT education these days for the wrong reasons
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    @AlgoRythm just use amphetamine a few months and you'll not be obese anymore. You'll sweat a bit but you're working at home anyway. Maybe going to a good weight with amphetamine is healthier than staying obese. I dunno. Could be, depends per person prolly
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    @AlgoRythm why leaving US? I've heard it's gonna be great again. Or is girlfriend there already?
  • 1
    @retoor Supposedly the greatest

    gf isn't interested in living in US
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm send her trump movies to convince her to come to US :P

    Murrica first, fine. But Netherlands second!


    Also, Germans should see it as well :P
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    @AlgoRythm probably the American food

    (carnivore or keto will make it easier, and avoid fake butter, fake sugar and all of that inflammatory stuff)
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    and the legitimate reply might look the same as all the other spam
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