
are there people that when you hang around them make you better in some way? which way and how?

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    Prolly, one thing is for sure, if you hang around with losers and thus lower your standard of friend requirements, you become an loser yourself
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    I've got a sr engineer who's really good at delivering. Usually to the detriment of everything else, but the business likes it, so he makes money
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    One of those is groups is people here talking about coding topics I had not heard about. I have watched and learned a lot here.

    I am also glad to know I don't have a giant shitting problem other people have. Makes one grateful.
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    As a general rule, whenever I am interested in something && the other person is much better at it, than I am.

    One such person is my oldest friend, whom I met at my fist job.

    We've been friends for roughly 16 years && I've learned a lot from him.
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    @D-4got10-01 ooo that sounds really goood

    @Demolishun I find myself just distracted by this stuff and it leads to nothing 😝. https://lobste.rs/ is like that. like why do I need all this random knowledge lol, but I keep being distracted by it, then daydream about stuff I actually have no interest in. raghh. so distractable! well that's for me anyway 😁

    @lungdart how does he make you better?
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    @jestdotty he makes me value delivery more, and I think that it has more value for sure.

    Taking it to extremes isn't great though
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