
What’s the most nonsensical habit that your non-tech-savvy friends or family have with computers or electronic devices?

Here’s mine: when my parents first got iPhones, they were deathly afraid of going over their data plan limit, so they would go into Settings and turn cellular data off whenever they weren’t actively using the phone...

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    Whenever my dad wants to install a new app he searches it in the web browser and asks me why he can't get it. I've explained at least 20 times how to download something from the app store.

    And sometimes he asks me about details of a specific app I haven't even heard of, assuming I know everything about every app because after all I know stuff about computers.
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    Charging it everyday and freaking out if battery drops below 70%
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    Remember the days of 8.3 filenames? My parents are still in the habit of stripping vowels and spaces out of filenames, even though that hasn’t been necessary for, what, 25 years?
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    @ewpratten aww. That's sad. Old gen people have this belief that what ever written in news is the ultimate truth.
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    My grandfather once asked me how long the tablet's battery would take to load, because he's still used to old chargers that you had to unplug so they didn't toast the battery.
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    When they use the mouse to click on a submit-button, instead of the enter key.
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