
Boring uses of artificial super intelligence:
- eternal peace and prosperity
- hostile world domination
- genocide

Fun uses of artificial super intelligence:
- ALL the paperclips
- time travel games where you can meet accurate behavioral models of your future self taking into account memories of this same encounter
- trolling alien civilizations by broadcasting assembly instructions for it

  • 1
    in truth, to correctly model a time travel encounter you'd have to search the behaviour tree of the future persona for a sequence of actions that leads to itself, which is pretty much a whole state space search, so you'd need an ASI with exponentially more neurons than a human.
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    oh, I almost forgot:
    Rehearsing social events dozens of times with digital twins of everyone present, thus creating and destroying countless groups of self-aware creatures on a whim, to ensure a desirable response from the one group you can't destroy without consequences.
    SMBC reminded me about this one.
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    You forgot porn. It will mostly be used for porn.
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    @donkulator I think even human intelligence is too much for that.
  • 2
    I'm now imagining a github action that creates thousands of self-aware virtual users who sign up for a dating app, get to know each other, get all excited about meeting up, and then once all the functionality has been tested, they suddenly cease to be.
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    @donkulator Given how much of our lives is about getting laid, it's possible that we are in fact a Github action that futuristic humans use to verify that their dating app remains competitive in comparison to a few older reference apps.
  • 0
    @donkulator actually, near-future ML models should be more than capable of detecting bad UX by emulating the bottom 5% of user intelligence and attempting to run some tests purely from verbal description of the desired effect as part of a CI pipeline.
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