

A while ago I ranted about how the programming club in my school decided to start teaching programming with arduino and it was causing the students to drop out because they were finding it hard, well today I went to the club and got there 10 minutes late, yet when I arrived, thinking that they would have started without me, there was only 2 people other than the instructor and assisstant. And the funny thing is that although 90% of the class stopped going to the programming club because they were finding arduino hard, the instructor still doesn't want to teach anything else and is adamant on teaching them arduino.

What a fucktard

  • 1
    He should teach something easy, because arduino is kind of abstract
  • 2
    @RedBorg Exactly, I told him to start with python or java or even fucking scratch before going to arduino yet he doesn't listen
  • 1
    I still remember the days when my class mates felt it was hard to use php to make a static webpage.

    Alot of people gave 0 shit while being taught and those who cared were distracted by the noise that those fucktards made.
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