
Yes, Gaurav didn't get in, but… your younger Aditya still needs a uni degree, right? And the government needs human skin. Gaurav is of no use anyway, he'll never make it without a degree. Let's fix things by making a mutually beneficial decision?

A good human hide went for around Ꙩ300. This is why parents made sure kids had good hygiene and no scars until the uni exams. A lower-grade hide was just Ꙩ30 and was only useful for “special” leather novelties.

Meanwhile, good hides made excellent high fashion coats for the royalty.

It was a shame that U-boat had to go down, burning all 70 crew alive. They were all 20 to 23.

  • 1
    Dude, don't expose the government, they'll get your hide if you do that often!
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