Thinking of migrating to Stockholm...
Life in Greece is pretty intolerable and only getting worse...

Any tips? Pointers? General wisdom?
Is it relatively easy to get a job there (competition-wise)?

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    Why Sweden? Cold and dark.. every greek I know is depressed
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    Why is Greece getting worse? Also, sweden might not be a perfect choice nowdays...
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    @Linux going by quality of life I think that might be the best option but I'm open to suggestions.

    I know the climate is crap but it's my understanding that is the only bad thing.

    Also (again just my understanding) there is justice/respect among the people living there. That's something very alluring for a 2018 Greek citizen :P
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    @Kulijana more homeless, more taxes, more angry people, more strikes, less justice, less civilized people

    Summed it up but you get the point.
    We're basically becoming a third world country and most the youth (meaning tech ppl mostly) have bailed to another country years ago.
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    The climate is big enough of concern. It may drive you to depression or even suicide, don't underestimate it. Why not Western Europe, like Germany?
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    @RickDiculous179 I hate to say this, but don't come to Sweden. It's not only bad because of the weather, but because of the stupid cunts that think it's a great idea to import crime
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    @RAZERZ "import crime"?
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    @RickDiculous179 nicer areas in Sweden have now turned into such a ghetto that the police is afraid to go in there and a friend of mine moved from my city to Stockholm and since Stockholm has the only subway (afaik), a lot of creeps exist there and he almost got raped a few times and I know I sound like a mother but I just want to take care of you
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    @RAZERZ I see... Same thing that has been happening here for years. Turkey has been dumping immigrants on us forever...

    As with all people some are good some bad (as in rape, steal, etc) some work here to send money back to their country.

    I guess the same is happening all over Europe if not the world...

    So nowhere on Earth is fun to live anymore?
    On that reassuring note I'm gonna go bang my head against a wall :P
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    P.S.: when I say dumping I mean literally dumping in the water a couple km away from our islands...
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    @RickDiculous179 tnx for the info, as an outsider I hear many bad things about sweden and the migrant crysis, and then I'm not sure if I'm in an echo chamber or if it's real.
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    Ok fuck it I'm making the matrix.
    Who wants to help? :D
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    @RickDiculous179 maybe try Norway? Bergen looks really nice, not sure about the immigration issues over there but you'll find something bro!
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    @RAZERZ thanks I'll check :)
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    Well, both countries are a member of the EU so moving here is easy.

    But, I was serious when I said that all greeks that I know is depressed. And I think it is because of the weather and the darkness here.
    Maybee live in Sweden in the summer and move back in the winter? I dunno
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    I've heard Sweden has fast internet, so...
    Good choice
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