I know this has probably been asked, but I completely missed any of it.

What the fuck's up with devRant and rubber ducks? Is there a backstory? If so, could you explain?

If these questions have been asked before (possibly multiple times), gimme links - I'll read those. I'm willing to bet that I'm not the first or last to have and subsequently ask these questions.

Even better, a TL;DR in the form of a comment is appreciated! 👍😜😂

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    @kong -

    Thank you, I've heard about people doing this with stuffed animals but not rubber ducks lol.

    I've never actually done this, but that's because if you know the psychological aspect of talking to yourself (I dunno, when you learned to talk, did you learn to talk in your head or out loud? Answer: The latter, THEN you learned to internalize thoughts) then you know you're not crazy.

    I try not to do it when other people are around, but when I'm alone I kinda just let it happen. If only some people would write the shit that they say...docs wouldn't be an issue, then!
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