"Google Home requires access to your location to find nearby devices"

Get fucked, Google.

Get. Fucked.

  • 3
    Who the fuck buys a google home?
  • 2
    It's for the chromecast I bought years ago. I suddenly had to "set it up" again. Via the Google Home app, of course.
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    @evilmupp3t The thing about it is, Google Home does request location - the speaker, that is. It's kinda like a room-sensing thing. It won't respond with an "Ok Google" from another room.

    These devices look smart, but we all know they intentionally dumb as hell 😂😂😂
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    @Linux You said you're dealing with not-so-bright-devs? How many of them actually use Linux? I don't use Windows, but an astounding amount of people I know that do development do - **which is mindfucking.**

    Idk guess I'm just masochistic and like a system that challenges my usual bullshittery XD
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    I am :) and many of thoose actually use Linux but they are fucking it up all the time. Today I had to clean up the mass after a "developer" fucked up apache totally.
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    I mean, you bought a fucking google home. And then you BS about that it request your location?
    You know what, google will figure out your location anyway.
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    @Linux I WOULD ask how you fuck something so goddamn simple up, but I'm gonna assume this week's prompt is a fucking goldmine for you.
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    @Linux dude. I bought a chromecast years ago. That's what you need the Google Home app for. Read the comments. Jeeeesh.
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    You dont "need" the Google home app for the Chromecast.
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    In order to connect it to WiFi, give it a name, set a pin, etc. - yes the fuck you do. At the very least on first setup. I tried the DESKTOP web browser method but it either didn't work or redirected me to get the app from Google Play.

    @Linux, do you even own a standalone Chromecast? Not talking about the one that came built into your VIZIO or what have you. The $35 HDMI kind.

    Most people are hellbound to get the app - nobody's gonna pull out their laptop if given the option to do it from their phone. So even if this desktop browser setup still exists (couldnt get it to work for me as of a year ago) - nobody is thinking about privacy. They just wanna plug-n-play. The context is different at devRant, yes, but the general population gives no fucks as long as they get their Hulu, Netflix, and YouTube.

    @evilmupp3t, what drove you to get the app?
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    @Linux @mgagemorgan like I said, it all of a sudden decided it needs to be set up again (claimed it couldn't find my WiFi anymore) . App was the fastest way. This discussion is stupid.
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    I dont have a TV lol
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    @Linux I own one, quite convenient 👍(I understand that a lot of people don't want a microphone constantly recording them and sending it to Google lol)
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