
today i was asked to encrypt a public key, because "it's sensitive info".

a PUBLIC key.


it's not even hard (literally 1 line of code), but come on...

  • 5
    I was once asked to encrypt the source code of an application that supposed to be delivered to and compiled by our customer.
  • 11
    You can say it's already encrypted, they won't notice the difference
  • 0
    There is no reason anyone outside your workplace should know your public key.
  • 1
    @cafecortado > "You can say it's already encrypted, they won't notice the difference"

    Base64 encode/decode. A bit ashamed I've used it to (lie?) convince users that data was 'secure'.
  • 1
    A public key? I guess they meant private key unless they had vodka in breakfast
  • 1
    @dIREsTRAITS nah, we don't store private keys
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