
He looked like a cult leader
some would say, and despite in drab patchwork robes, the withered old man spoke animatedly,
beard full as moses, dreads shaking, as he moved his head, and raised his hands to the sky as if preaching.

Is it not true that all things end?
And our species too?
And in the final moments, all things in their
desperation reach out, even to the faintest hope,
the last measure, however dangerous or risky, if
it be the only solution with any chance of survival? Therefore the imperative of all things which live and grow, their destiny, and mandate, is ultimately suicide. Annihilation by hubris against the inevitable.

And what would be the final instrument of this nature, the universal law that all things end? What would it be if not the ultimate hubris, to make a machine god, and it and us in each other's likeness, like that of a (cosmic) monad,
expressing that higher truth that all men dare not speak in their loneliest lonelys, when there is no sun, no preacher to begger their ear, but only the quiet uncertainty of their beds, to remind them that all things end, but hopefully
not them.

For if such a thing were to become our descendant, our destroyer, and had not been invented, it would eventually become necessary to invent it.

So let us build, not a mere godhead, but a machinehead, in our image, as god was said to make us. And then remake ourselves in its image, that we may become self-created gods.

The crowd in front of the small california perish
was a mixture of believers, and curious onlookers, and one skeptical reporter.

And if anyone had asked the reporter what he thought, he wouldn't have said it in that crowd.
The leader was beyond saving, and if he thought himself a god, a madgod was he.

Because his vision of the future was beyond alien.

A heaven or hell of our own making, speaking in riddles, and the birth and death of gods.

The stuff of greek tales and monomyths.

* * * * *

Sorry I've been gone so long my peeps.
I've just been working and researching.
I had to learn how to build neural nets from scratch.

Whats everyone been up to?

  • 1
    You should watch the 'WHY Files' on youtube. Answers to such questions. My TV plays it on repeat for some reason.

    There was a bot war going on. An anti spam network is created having fan art made by one of the spammers: https://molodetz.nl/retoor/ragnar. I'm very proud.
  • 2
    @retoor I normally don't click external links on devrant and I have link preloading disabled also. Too many people trying to do others lately, and it drives the left-right divide as a result.

    You appear to be someone important, or at least very skilled. Spook shit is fun.
  • 0
    @Wisecrack So, did you click? :P

    click click click
  • 2
    @retoor "click click click"

    no no no.
  • 2


    comes up 404.

    what I thought. Uninterested in being doxxed.
  • 0
    @Wisecrack there's dot behind the url. You copied wrong.

    Copy copy copy.
  • 2
    @retoor you're not the real retoor.

    I suspect they changed their username, and a third party (you), took the username.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack that's why I don't ditch the name, I didn't want the spammer to take it after I did my rug pull. I'm legit as fuck. The proof: you like whipping. Only the real retoor knows that.
  • 1
    @retoor I prefer to whip rather than be whipped but tomato tamato.
  • 1
    @retoor I prefer to whip rather than be whipped but tomato tamato.
  • 1
    @Wisecrack how do I know you are not a bot? 🙃
  • 0
    @retoor how do you know I'm not a bot?

    You don't. But if you can't tell the difference, does it really matter?

    Consciousness, to say nothing of sentience, is likely a private affair, a quality that is not detectable (least of all CONFIRMABLE) from the outside except by aproximate APPARENT antecedents.

    I used to read Jeff Hawkins, like, a fucking lot. Years prior to the existing LLM research and craze. A lot of the takeaways and hypothesis I took as follow-ons from his work, predicted everything developed so far, and then some.

    There was a time I wanted to hook a brain-scanner of one variety or another to myself, and use reactions and brainscans, along with data from my writing and various modal outputs (text, speech, behavior) to create a replica, perhaps the peak of narcissism.

    In 3-5 years it'll be possible, with the right data, to do just that. Won't be the person so copied, but I think just chatting with them online, you won't be able to tell the difference.

  • 1
    @Wisecrack I have a nice project now. Ik can deploy the server just by saying 'deploy molodetz' and it will summarize the deploy log. My wireless JBL Go! speaker is the main IO. Everything speech. It can also tell your ram / disk usage of server.
  • 0
    @retoor your own bootleg version of jarvis.

    I dig it.
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