
I doubt my skills every day.

Whenever i get a new problem to solve, I'm afraid I might not be able to solve it.

But at the end, I do.

Anyone else felt the same?

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    Every. Single. Day.
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    it's the core of why my work stresses me out and why i'm constantly afraid i'm going to get fired
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    I never feel like my career will be threatened but inferiority is quite the motivator to solve problems.
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    @Puddinglord well, i've got abandonment issues/complex in general, so maybe that's why it's not just a fear of inferiority but of outright being fired =D
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    @Midnigh-shcode That would do it yeah. I’m sure you are fine though!
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    @Puddinglord then there's also some actual real experiences that happened to me already, which confirm that fear. =D

    but yeah, i'm sure that i'm fine. even if i'm not, it's less destructive to try and pretend so =D
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