
Why do some people not take notes... πŸ˜’πŸ˜’πŸ˜’

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    Because they think their knowledge is enough?
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    I don’t like it because I get asked the same questions on how to do something. I end up documenting for other people 95% of the time.
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    I never take notes because that takes my attention away from what is being explained. I rather listen closely, ask questions and reread it myself a bit later. Then I know it good enough.
    As soon as I start taking notes I will fall behind a few slides and miss the important bits.
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    I can’t function without being able to refer back to something on the discussion. Maybe I just have too many balls in the air.
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    Apparently I heard that you're not allowed to take notes at Apple.

    Heard from a presenter that they use to work for Steve Jobs and he said something like: "if you can't remember this meeting, you shouldn't be working here."
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    Yeah I don’t agree. If you have 10 meetings, then it is tough to juggle action items etc.
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    it is because no one teaching in the class, joke hehe.
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