
I used to be a Javascript hater. But the more I learn and use it I get more and more impressed

  • 5
    Cool fact for you, JavaScript was originally created in just 2 weeks.
  • 3
    ES6 has so many cool features in it
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    @nblackburn that makes so much sense
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    I had the same experience. But at a point the experience started to get negative again. I do still like working with js, but it's far from perfect. (Personal opinion of course.)
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    Discovered first-class functions with this!

    Reaction: "Why are you assigning that there? But that's a function!? Oh waiiitt..."

    Enlightenment. :D
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    Early JS was a steaming dumpster fire (it was created in 2 weeks. You make a good programming language in 2 weeks! 😡) but with each iteration of it, the language gets stronger and stronger. Long live JS
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    In front-end JS I hate the fact that you always have to wonder "will this work on all browsers and devices"?
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    @nuts chrome dev tools
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    @nuts you can check devices like iPhones, iPads, etc with chrome dev tools. It changes your screen to the device screen size and your mouse pointer to the mobile device touch thing
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    @askerr dev tools only emulates the viewport size, not the js engine...
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    Just tryna help bruh. Carry on
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