
So I'm brushing my teeth, and mama slams the door open. She says oh sorry, I thought the bathroom was empty. I say it's ok, I'm just brushing my teeth. But K'BYBIB, mama.

What? K'BYBIB? What are you speaking in? Hebrew or aramaic?
No. English. It's an acronym: Knock Before You Burst Into (a) Bathroom.

A very simple rule, that everyone should follow. But a few days later, the exact same thing happens, and I repeat the advice, knowing I must've said this to her about a hundred times already.

On another occasion, she gets up from the dinner table in a hurry, then *almost* trips and falls to the ground. Her feet got stuck on the chair. Anyway she's fine. But I see this happen and say be careful mama, get up slowly or you could fall. Free your feet before you try to start walking.

Same pattern as before, she doesn't listen. So it happens again, and thankfully she also doesn't trip this time, but the problem is obvious. She may fall one day, or worse God forbid, and we can't be there at all times to make sure she doesn't get hurt.

This is constantly on my mind. Nothing serious has happened yet. Emphasis on "yet". Seems like a matter of time, and I hate to say it, but I don't think I can stop this. Mama doesn't have any disabilities, she just has to be more careful, but refuses to listen. So yeah. I'm only stressing and that's that, God willing.

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    had roommate, rule was the door is closed but not so closed the door clicks locked

    also helped with the cat who was toilet trained, since she couldn't open door handles

    and if the bathroom is in use then the door is closed. also technically the light would always be on also since there's no windows in there
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    My parents helped to make this house livable because it was during some lesser circumstances and I wasn't able much to help myself. Now they walk around like they own the place. A while ago my dad came with a USB-stick. He said? Hey, are you missing an USB-stick? I was shocked, I was like "YES, KNOW I'M MISSING ONE YOU TOOK IT FROM THE CLOSED NEXT TO MY BED. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU DO THERE?".

    The thing is, he is for some reason in a very not obvious closet to be and even tells me what is in it.

    I was for a while in a bad condition mentally and I needed a lot of help. Now i'm doing fine and sharp as katana again (woesj woesj) but they still often threat me as a sick person. For a while it was allowed a while to breath my privacy. But now its over.

    But your mommii? I thought you were formally married before somehow and expected a bit older.
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    @jestdotty I once left my friend alone with a laptop and when I came back he was looking in my recycle bin on the desktop. Worse part, that thing always empty ( i do everything cmd line) it contained smth very disturbing. We both did like it never happened. But so weird, i'm not interested in such stuff from friends at all. I expect that everyone has weird stuff making it normal stuff so no reason investigate.
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    @retoor How is HE (your dad) in a very *not obvious* [CLOSET] to be, telling you what's in it to boot? Don't you know what being in the closet means? ;>

    And yes, my mommii. I was broke for years and years, but she never kicked me out. Thank you mommii <3

    Regarding the last sentence, I can't beat much around this one, so full disclosure: I'm thirty. I couldn't *legally* marry the girl because I had no money. We still very much meant to get married, and could do so now, but sadly she passed away five years ago; God is sufficient for us and he is the best disposer of affairs.

    On a lighter note, I'm doing fine.
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    @Liebranca yes, I thought your wife passed away. Stupid assumption, but still not less terrible. I lived a while at home too together with my partner on late age. It was very comfortable, big house. My stepkid was very happy with his new grandpa and grandma. It was one happy family once.

    Why do people want to leave their families so quick these days? I did because I had a lot to hide in my life from parents originally. Not anymore. Many people are raised in small houses I guess so it's just logic to leave the house on certain age. I would be fine with a huge house living with family.
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    @jestdotty I had a friend go through the stuff in the house, now he's not welcome any more. Mom really doesn't like it, can't say I blame her 😅
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