I love javascript. Never understood why people hate it. Javascript is love javascript is life :D

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    Shrek is love bro!
  • 6
    I do too, but it's worth getting a good understanding of its weaknesses and problems.
  • 8
    use typescript. it's a super set of js that nales it more object oriented.
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    @vinerz no, but using angular 2. and that uses typescript
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    @nerd-san Ditto on TypeScript. Really the only difference from ES6+ is interfaces. Not much new to learn, but it makes the DX so much better!!
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    T h e d e v i l
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    Most hate of JS comes from high school kids that try to convince people that it's the only language that should ever be used.
    Similar to religion. It's the preachers that oversell the idea that create the hatred some people hold.
  • 6
    "JS is the only language that should ever be used"
    - Nobody. Ever.
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    you'd be surprised the things I've heard from people who think any programming problem can be solved by making it into a web application (within reason obviously)
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    @Variable I'm a high school kid and I don't like JavaScript (I'll use it if I have too)
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    Do you love the cool things that can be achieved through JS, or do you actually love coding in JS?
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