
So I had a meeting with a client, some time ago, asking for my expertise on rebuilding their websites frontend and backend within a month. I offered a very low price (as I am a student), which included 40 hours of work for 30$ an hour (normal price is ~120$). And done within 2 months. He turned it down by saying, that the price was 4 times too high... Clients are so demanding, but not willing to pay for their needs. He haven't found another yet. This was 2 months ago.

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    Normal hourly rate in my country is 8$/h with an average paycheck being 1000$/month for employed people.
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    @orijin Where are you from? Danish paycheck varies from ~5000$-13000$/month. Lowest is newly graduates.
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    @fredehh from slovenia. what are the average monthly costs up there for apartment, food and bills?
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    Spot on. I charge about $50/hr but globally I've learned to lower my rate to about $30 just to be somewhat competitive.
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    @orijin I pay 1000$ for 646 square feet and I use approx. 30$ a day for food. Also their are high cost for car etc.
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