Nothing makes me not want to take a full-time job at your company more than having to go through IT tickets every quarter year when my password expires to actually change my password. Why have a fucking self-service portal for employees if logging in with an expired password doesn't work and the reset password link tells me that I need to log in to enroll with security questions (???). It feels like these websites are glued together with sticks and spit and there's a million of them each sporting one specific purpose! I have to go through this shit multiple times since I'm an intern and I didn't have access to my account through the course of the semester. Get your fucking shit together!

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    I have a service that, when I ask it to email me a password reset link, and I click the link in the email, I’m presented with a login page. So I’ll go grab a pal to let me set myself a new one in an admin portal. Go back to my desk and login with the new password, I’m now presented with the form to set a new password. Something not quite right.
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