
One of my colleagues in college asked me if I could check his raspberry pi because it behaved „strangely“.

I found out that it had been hijacked and somebody tried to mine bitcoins with it... that’s why you should change default credentials...

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    Always change the default password.

    At this point its probably best to reflash and start fresh.
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    That’s what we did
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    use raspberry pi for bitcoin mining? is that profitable?
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    No. This was probably a huge bot trying to infiltrate 1000s of them. @nsiregar
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    @ArcaneEye yeah that's sounds right
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    I don't think even a successful Raspberry Botnet mining fulltime would pay for the time investment required to build and deploy it.
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    @Root you would be surprised how many insecure online devices are. One can make fortune (little exaggeration).
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    It's all the IoT stuff....and this is just the beginning. @yendenikhil
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    @intromatt I know, are you familiar with https://www.shodan.io/
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    @yendenikhil Even 10k RPi's mining bitcoins would take a long time to recoup the time investment required to build up the botnet. haha

    But I agree, there are a *lot* of unsecured devices, and even more devices with pointlessly lax security.

    It would be an enjoyable exercise if nothing else.
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    @Root I agree that it won't be beneficial, but people in world have too much time at their hands. How else someone does PhD on why cats pee is luminous under black light.. Lol.. Though I got curious, 14mil RPi sold till now. Most are used without considering security. If I say that we get 20% of them (around 2.5mil) on this botnet,with CPU mining it should be some side income (even though CPU mining is slow). Just a thought.
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    @yendenikhil So is turmeric 😊
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    @Root ffs really? 🤣🤣🤣
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    @yendenikhil Yep!
    Get some yellow curry and eat it under a blacklight. It's really neat, if a little worrying at first.

    Anything containing phosphors will glow. They're an extremely common ingredient in dyes for e.g. clothes and stationary. They allow making things "brighter than white" because phosphors fluoresce under UV light, such as in sunlight, and actually give off more light. White paper with phosphors will therefore be brighter and "whiter" than paper without it. The one without will appear to be a dingy and dull gray, and quite ugly. But that's how blacklights work!
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    So many things i still don't know! Thanks for that though :). Feels nice to be back in devRant..
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    So weird. Just had yellow curry with cinnamon as my 3am meal. @Root
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    @intromatt don't go under be black light and definitely don't pee.. Hehe..
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    Sorry for the awful photo. @Root
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    @intromatt That looks amazing 😍

    I have a $60 gift card for a Thai restaurant near work. I may use some of that tomorrow!
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    @intromatt looks home made, nice!

    @Root do you like spicy food?
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    My wife is a fancy chef and everything around here is home made. I'm very lucky. @yendenikhil
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    @intromatt ah, the gourmet eater you are. Awesome. Hope she makes you run to shed the kilos due to delicious food. 🤣🤣 Unless you are that evil spawn who doesn't put on weight irrespective of how much you eat, in that case I hate you. 😓😨😨😨😠
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    I am lucky to have a lot of free time that I spend outside, sitting around and Netflix are my biggest enemy (I doubt I spent more than an hour in front of the TV each month). I love riding around the beach on my goofy little ladybike like a vagrant and thankfully that keeps me non-fat...considering that I'm a relentless boozer and love to eat everything...@yendenikhil
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    @yendenikhil Absolutely. I've gotten into ghost peppers lately. Tasty!
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