I really feel like buying some cheap intel atom laptop, slapping on a kali and going on a hacking trip around the city right now.

  • 8
    Post the credit numbers you find below. Sharing is caring and I could use another 16GB SODIMM.
  • 1
    @SoulSkrix +1, types really good too for a cheap laptop and the battery is good for the whole day. Don't open a video on chromium/chrome though. It will die ;(
  • 1
    @SoulSkrix i wouldnt call $300 cheap
  • 1
    @SoulSkrix :/ fuck me apparently, ill have to order from amazon then
  • 7
    In Bulgaria that's a monthly wage. In Vancouver, a steak and wine for one. @BindView
  • 0
    @SpaceBearOne please do not insert theme songs of terrible shows on my rants thanks
  • 0
    @intromatt in Vancouver that's your rent for 1.86 days
  • 0
    Yep...that's why I moved to the other side of the world and happily retired before the age of 40.@spoiledgoods
  • 0
    @BindView ok now you know you are my bro....but damn man...whats wrong with mr robot other than it being amazingly depressing??
  • 0
    MrRobot sucks ass. It's boring and only getting boringer. @AleCx04
  • 0
    ...but I actually haven't seen it since last summer...so maybe it's better now.
  • 1
    @AleCx04 every tv show is terrible in my opinion lol
  • 1
    @intromatt shit I can't really say anything about the boringness because it does get quite boring. Is one of them shows that becomes sort of an accquired taste.
  • 1
    That's fair...Although I think there is room for a new cool IT/computer show that isn't an office comedy or a dark 'haxxor' phoney baloney exaggerated drama. @AleCx04
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    That's really the bottom line...@BindView
  • 1
    @intromatt sorry, im more of an anime/cartoon guy, i like around 3 movies in total lol
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    @BindView btw have you heard of inuyashiki? I liked it. Pretty short read too.
  • 0
    @intromatt what about sillicon valley? Not in an office setting :P
  • 0
    I know this show exists but never seen it.
    I will have a gander, thanx.@AleCx04
  • 0
    I have watched 3 movies in the last 18 months and doubt that I spent more than 1-2 hours in front of the TV this year.
    I'm too fidgety, my mind wanders and I always feel the world is passing me by....maybe I need to start smoking weed or something.. @BindView
  • 0
    @AleCx04 nah but ill check it out, ty
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