Man, you start doing computer graphics you really get an appreciation for nature

Like "got dayum, god got some good ass graphics, no way I can compete with that"

  • 3
    Some random pic from r/skyrimporn:
  • 1
    Many games have better graphics than the real world.
    Realistic doesn’t mean good.
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    @Lensflare Nah not even close

    Global illumination, reflections, refraction, caustics, subsurface scattering, smoke, water, clouds

    Nature is full of beautiful things that are the worst things to render
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    @12bitfloat my point is that artistic quality is more important than graphical fidelity.

    You can have beautiful static low res backgrounds like in the older final fantasy games (7, 8, 9).

    And you can have ugly realistic graphics.

    I‘m a fan of the developments of computer graphics and how it becomes better and better.
    But at the same time it worries me that the obsession with realistic graphics is growing larger and everything else is getting less important (like gameplay)
  • 1
    @Lensflare Yeah yeah, definitely :D

    I'm just salty because I'm not creative and trying to write a photo realistic game engine from scratch

    .... that shit is kinda hard
  • 2
    It's easy to make fancy effects when your users are also simulated and you can just run them slower to maintain a perceived framerate.
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