I finally managed to install arch 😊 (in virtualbox).

I tried a few months ago on my actual computer but got the flashing underscore, and failed to find the cause. Ever since I've been meaning to try again but always didn't like the prospect of sitting there for ages just to end up with a complete mess. Luckily the tutorial seems a load clearer now (or maybe my understanding has improved) so it worked first time (second time if you count going back because I forgot to install a network manager).

Now I've just got to get a desktop environment, thinking of trying lxqt, and I forget about it for a while until I come back and realise everything's broken.

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    May I suggest you the Anarchy Linux? Previously known as Arch Anywhere it's basically an Arch Linux installer with helper scripts to ease the installation process. Try installing it in a virtualbox and you'll end up with clean Arch Linux in just a few minutes.
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    @Alkotronikk happily I got everything sorted out and it's running smooth :)
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    Goo to hear (read)!
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