(From my database book)

  • 5
    If you dont identify with a gender than pick one and move on with life. Not worth the trouble.
  • 0
  • 5
    Once Elon get ppl to live on Mars...

  • 0
    Some people would probably expect it to be a double, from -1.0 to 1.0. Though they could argue there are values beyond the edges there too.

    Time to create the de facto library for this, to minimise the likelihood of legal trouble in case your users are easily triggered (especially in Canada). It would implement the gender data type and also provide UI components for the most common platforms/frameworks. So devs would feel somewhat protected by using it. Of course you better keep that dependency up to date.
  • 1
    @Condor @irene why are you running?

    This book is just old, nowadays you make a pivot table with objects

    male, female, attack helicopter, ... :')
  • 1
    @mzeffect It's much simpler: Drop the column.
  • 1
    The world was so much simpler when the column was binary instead of enum.
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