Wellp lately so much shit happened with parents and school that id like to (atleast see my options for) get(ting) a job in order to be independent.

What could work, knowing im a backender, coding in cpp, but open for other langs ?

I have no degree, but my github repos lol

  • 2
    look at php, or golang.
  • 3
    @calmyourtities *breaks asweat and falls into a nightmare*
  • 3
    1. Photoshop
    2. Music
    3. Go for C# like me
    4. Procrastinate
  • 1
    Follow the market, and also try to learn
    1. Web development (several languages not only php): Node, React JS ..etc.
    2. Mobile development: Java, Kotlin, Swift, React Native ..etc.
    3. Python and GoLang are great to know
  • 2
    @Nanos huh?
  • 1
    @Nanos wtf lmao
  • 2
    Just make sure the money is there. Look into income based apartments. If you're lucky you can get em real cheap.

    I guess I had a bit of a different experience than everyone else. I got my Dev job, which I went after agressively, right after I got an associates for college. 4 weeks later I moved out of my parents at the age if twenty. No problems since
  • 1
    @Nanos mate I feel genuinely sorry for you.. Hope you’re doing okay now.
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