This summer I have a goal to master web development(nice joke, I know, but you get my point...). Html, CSS, Javacript, Python-Django etc and a website that is getting better all the time. But I have a big problem, something that really bothers me. I lack in understanding. I set up servers following tutorials and God help me if something doesn't work, I use patterns and libraries I barely know what they're made of, technologies that are totally strange to me. Right now, I'm totally confused of whether I need to have my database on a different server, or a dbaas, what the hell do I do if static files pile up etc. What can I do to get myself out of this path? Any books, courses, whatever, that teach not only the how but also the why? Thank you

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    I too am self taught and have found my self in similar situation on many occasions and I think the problem boils down to not knowing how the industry does it.
    Solution, for me at least, was to get an internship(didn't want to really) to know how exactly is 'that' thing done and why in that specific manner.
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    @coookie Yeah, that can be difficult for me in Greece though... Anyway, I'll search to see if there's anything, you never know.
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    Wish you luckšŸ˜ƒ
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    Your path sounds about right. An internship or job might speed up your understanding since you get real world experience guided by professionals.

    But in any case solve each issue as you encounter it. Check out best practices for whatever you're trying do. For instance.. Why would someone put the db on a separate server? Is it useful in every situation?

    Read, Think. Design, Build. Evaluate. And repeat..

    You'll get better each time around.
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    Oh and remember two of the most important design principles:

    KISS: Keep it simple stupid
    YAGNI: Ya ain't gonna need it
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