How do I make my blog https? I have a blog using Jekyll and GitHub pages. I have a custom domain so I tried cloudflare free SSL plan - destroyed my DNS records. Haha. Any good post for me to follow and get that green padlock?

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    Buy from let's encrypt
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    Point domain to cloud flare name servers and 24 hours later you have ssl 🤷‍♂️
    Although cloudflare broke the shit out of my emails so maybe not for everyone.

    You can use letsencrypt to generate a cert if you have root access otherwise sslforfree.com will do the manual cert creation so you can add it manually and update it manually using lets encrypt.
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    My domain is bought from GoDaddy. Pointed the domains as you said and 24 hours later - no SSL or DNS records of my domain😅. Dig command returns no A records. I'm thinking of trying to do this again. Let's see.
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    It's basically one click and they're hosting your site just like GitHub pages, but with letsencrypt and so many more features. For free.

    I really hope they don't run out of investors anytime soon.
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    @tbodt I'll look into it tonight. Thanks.
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    @tbodt It's done. Cloudflare SSL was always stuck on initializing state. So I moved to Netlify and in one hour my blog is secure with HTTPS SSL. I love that green padlock.
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