
I just wanna feel
Purple Yellow Red and Blue 🎤🎧

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    Don't you just love bus rides right at the verge if sunset.
    Sitting by the window seat
    Staring out the window
    with that Saturated honey golden silky light shining onto the world marking the end of the day.
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    Paving way for the darkness to seep through.
    A darkness that hides the evil and the despair.
    When the only beacon of hope that remains is a dot in the sky that promises of the return if that bright orange light.
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    I will miss you my heavenly friend
    And although I know you shall return.
    I can't promise I'll be there to see it.
    Cause one day.
    One day it'll just be me and the darkness.
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    But for now dear friend.
    Let us enjoy these moments.
    Albeit they are one in many to come.
    They are not forever.
    And that is the beauty in itself.
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